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You can purchase Rifle Target: Rifle Shooting Database using the link below. You will be transferred to our merchant, PayPal. If you have a discount coupon, enter the coupon code in the box and hit the Go! button.

Once the transaction is complete you will automatically be emailed a Software Access Code.

If you have any queries about the process, please Contact Us.


AUD 79.95 [Buy Now]

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About Purchasing

What am I licensed for?
You will be licensed to use the current version of Rifle Target: Rifle Shooting Database on two computers indefinitely.

What about upgrades?
Our upgrade policy varies by version. If you own a previous version of Rifle Target: Rifle Shooting Database, Contact Us for upgrade pricing.

What payment methods are accepted?
Any method PayPal accepts. If you are not a PayPal member you can pay by credit card. If you are a PayPal member then you can also use your PayPal balance or linked bank account.

Why do you use PayPal?
PayPal gives a good balance between flexibility for our users and low merchant fees for us. If our merchant's fees are high, we have to pass it on to you.

Do I need to have a PayPal account?
No, you can use PayPal with your credit card without signing up and having an account with PayPal.

I refuse to use PayPal. Can you provide another option?
Yes, we can. Contact Us for details.