What's New in Rifle Target v3.1? |
Rifle Target: Rifle Shooting Database v3.1 is an incremental release that builds on the success of Rifle Target: Rifle Shooting Database v3.0 to deliver improvements and popular features as requested by our users.
- New trial period: if you trialled a previous version of Rifle
Target, you can trial version 3.1 for another 30 days
- New and enhanced features based on user feedback
- Target Zooming:
- Zoom in and out of a target quickly and simply
- Jump in zoom to the aiming mark or the bullseye
- Set a default zoom level to use when opening the Target Screen
- Zoom in and out on the Target Screen and on the Scatter Plotter
- Better, more logical record management:
- Copy/cut and paste records on the Database Screen
- Clone whole shooters, ranges or forms (including or excluding their
records) once or multiple times
- Specify the additional attributes (tags and values) that should be
applied to each record
- New more robust export format
- Better range information
- Ranges are grouped by discpline
- User created ranged can be added to a discipline
- Whole disciplines can be enabled or disabled in a single step
- Built-in ranges now indicate they should not be edited - clone the range
then edit it
- Ranges can now store their "rest of target" score
- Additional features to Scatter Plotter
- Display only the selected shot number or sequence - e.g. only Sighter A;
only scored shots 1 - 3; only the 6th shot fired
- Improved user interface experience
- Copy/cut and paste on Database screen
- Long operations like export and import show progress bars
- Database Screen user interface remains responsive when calculating
- Plotting Target differentiates a scored shot converted from a sighter, not
just sighters and scored shots
- Improved user interface for marking a shot as a miss or a cross-shot
- Target Screen can correctly display 100 minutes of elevation or greater